Colorectal cancer is the number 2 cancer killer in the U.S.
The Good news…It’s Preventable.
Schedule Today! (615) 466-9532
At Lebanon Endoscopy Center we make screening for colorectal cancer easy. Our Direct Screen Colonoscopy Program© is a no-hassle, lower-cost, low-cost, and patient-centered approach to colorectal cancer screening.
There is no need to visit your physician before your screening colonoscopy.
Most insurances will cover this preventative service 100%.
A colonoscopy is a simple, diagnostic test which looks for polyps and cancer of the colon. Colonoscopies take about 30 minutes, during which time you will be comfortably sedated. In fact, most patients report a positive experience, and are able to return to normal activities and diet the next day.
Are you a candidate for Direct Screen Colonoscopy? Call today.
Are you ready? Three easy steps:
Ask your primary care physician to schedule your colonoscopy through the Direct Screen Colonoscopy program at Lebanon Endoscopy Center OR call our facility at (615) 466-9532 to schedule today.
Before your scheduled screening colonoscopy, a nurse from Lebanon Endoscopy Center will call you to ask about your prior medical history, to discuss pre-op instructions – this is when you learn how to clean your colon, and find out what you can and cannot drink until after your procedure.
On the day of your procedure, you show up and we do the rest!
It’s the easiest thing you can do for yourself to prevent colorectal cancer, because when caught early, colorectal cancer is HIGHLY curable! There is no reason to wait, no reason to hesitate – it’s your life, be around to live it.
Schedule today!
(615) 466-9532